Friday, October 9, 2020

Faqsideos – FAQs on Sahaja Yoga - Episode 5

 Faqsideos – Episode 5

Among new comers (first timers) in Sahaja Yoga, some feel the vibrations pretty well, whereas others don’t feel at all. Why?

Well, that is how it ideally should be! For example , the Pauli Exclusion Principle states that - in an atom or molecule, no two electrons can have the same set of four quantum numbers. So when 2 micro miniscule electrons are also not similar, how can you expect complex human beings made of several billion cells to have the same status or experience? And Sahaja Yoga is NOT mass mesmerization that everyone will be made or forced to feel the same way! It is a ‘living’ energy that will manifest itself according to the status of an individual’s chakras and channels – how much open or receptive they are to subtle divine energies. Thus different people have different experiences. Another example can be of electrical appliances at home and the electric supply from the mains. The supply is same but a 20 watts bulb will express itself by lighting the room a bit dimly than a 100 watts bulb, and an AC machine will suck in more electric energy to cool down the room! But there is certainly a big difference between non-living objects (bulbs & AC machines) and human beings because we, at the human level, are blessed to change our course of life and change our selves – Free Will - whenever we desire to. So even if someone does not feel vibrations on the first day, with proper meditation and certain clearing techniques that is taught in Sahaja Yoga, he/she can surely raise his status (atma-stithi) in no time. Thus it is so possible (has happened several times also) that a 5 watts bulb can lit up a room as a 1000 watts bulb…. or may even become a powerhouse of generating electricity!

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