FAQSIDEOS - FAQs + Videos on Sahaja Yoga
We are starting a new Web Series that will cover the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Sahaja Yoga
In this episode the question is: What is the correct age to start meditation?
Many parents show their concern when Sahaja Yoga Meditation is introduced in schools including primary section - i.e. between the age group of 6 to 10 years old students as well.
The answer is very simple folks -
What if I ask you:
What is the correct age to start breathing?
What is the correct age to start eating?
What is the correct age to start digesting?
What is the correct age to start excreting?
Well, Sahaja Yoga just teaches us about the Subtle System present within us since our birth. With Sahaja Yoga Meditation, we are able to harness our own 'Inner Energy' - harness the subtle divine energies we are born with! SO there is no age/caste/creed/ religion/ethnicity /color/financial status/country bar to practice Sahaja Yoga!
Listen to explaining us about the Bhramarandra (limbic or fontanelle bone area) on top of the head of an infant when he is just born - it is very soft and in connection with the divine already...which later gets calcified with age and conditionings.....and we lose touch with divinity...it is a journey back to our roots!
In fact, the sooner we start activating our 'Spiritual' selves, the better it is for us - there have been several instances among Sahaja Yogies where their 'very average academic performer child' suddenly started to pass exams with flying colors, showed greater focus and attention in both studies and sports and extra curricular activities!
Dear Ones.....you are tapping the divine energy - only positive, dynamic, good and progressive things can happen to you - Don't worry!!
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